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Create content that sounds like you

Make AI the shortcut that it should be

Stay consistent and on brand

Avoid the frustration of robotic results 

Your Shortcut to Great Content

Have you ever tried using an AI content generator like ChatGPT or similar AI features in other platforms like Canva—only to have the resulting output sound like garbage? So you try a bunch of different prompts and end up rewriting it all to make it sound more like you?

It doesn't have to be that way! Writing good prompts is a key skill in harnessing the power of AI. If your prompts aren't well-written, the resulting output can fall flat and risk making you look or sound like a robot.

So what does it take to write a good prompt?

Start with your brand!

A well-written prompt should include your brand’s voice, personality, values, and insights into your target audience. Doing this will help AI generate content with a voice, a personality, and a set of values created for a specific audience that generally can't be replicated by just any robot on its own. The more detailed brand information that is fed to AI, the better and more unique the resulting content will be.


"Melissa is fabulous at what she does. Her process is thoughtful, professional and intentional. She works with you to get to the heart and soul of your business..."

Lisa Thruston, Brand Strategy Client


Oh hey there!

My name is Melissa and I will be your Brand Building Guide for the duration of our six weeks together. I have over 15 years of branding and design wisdom that I can't wait to share with you. It is my passion to work with businesses to help them tell their story, gain clarity and confidence in their brand, and become a magnet for success.

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