As a business professional or business owner, you probably put a lot of time in to expanding your network. So many of us attend networking groups, social hours, and meetings to not only meet new people, but to introduce them to our businesses and products. The ritual of these meetings is the sacred business card exchange.
Have you ever been handed a card that just feels high quality? A card that not only feels nice, but is beautifully designed and representative of the person you just met? We know we have definitely experienced this card envy.
On the other hand, have you ever been embarrassed to hand out your business card? Like maybe your card is just not up to par with the level of quality you feel like your business provides? It is one of the first impressions you lead with for your business, and it is a piece of your brand that you are leaving behind for people to remember you by. It shouldn't feel like something you would rather leave in your wallet.
If this is you - send out an SOS and give us a shout!

We can polish your business card design and layout to better represent you and your brand, and make it easier for your customers to know how they can find you. We offer print options beyond plain, low quality card stock so you can stand out and present a card they'll notice (in a good way).
Be proud to hand out your card! No more quick side tosses and hoping they don't "notice" the outdated design. Don't be surprised when you cause a little bit of card envy. 😎